Thursday, January 13, 2005
By All Means, Let's Start with Sadaam
The moonbats over at Human Rights Watch want prosecutions for the human rights violations in Darfur and Abu Graib.
[T]he U.S.-based organization ... said the response to Darfur and Abu Ghraib was critical to the worldwide system for protecting human rights.
"The vitality of global human rights depends on a firm response to each -- on stopping the Sudanese government's slaughter in Darfur and on fully investigating and prosecuting all those responsible for torture and mistreatment in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo," it said.
I applaud Human Rights Watch for drawing a moral equivalency between the attempted genocide of millions in Darfur and the sophmoric pranks in Abu Graib. But HRW is right, why condemn mass murderers unequivocally when you can also smear President Bush in the same breath. Perhaps HRW is only trying to save word processing time by combining two memos, one condemning the White House (not that they would notice since they're in the midst of the biggest humanitarian aid effort of all time) and one condemning the Sudanese government.
But here's a thought. Let the first prosecutions in Iraq be against the worst offender. I wonder if Human Rights Watch can think of anybody to start with?
And oh yeah, we are prosecuting those who violated the law at Abu Graib. I'm so glad HRW called for this. It seems, no thanks to HRW, that the "worldwide system to protect human rights" begins and ends in the United States.