Friday, December 17, 2004
Light Blogging Today
Or is that Blogging LiteTM? I don't know. What I do know is that it's Friday (Yay!) and it's the week before Christmas (Yay!) and the office party is tonight, but Base10 may not go (Aw!). In addition, Base10 has some silly school work to do before the end of the day.
In the spirit of the Holidays Base10 would like to thank all his readers. Page views and uniques have dramatically increased recently. It's still far away from where I'd like to be, but it's certainly a start.
In the interim, amuse yourselves at IMAO. Frank J. has some interesting suggestions to help the Democrats. Base10 especially like the part about the Nachos.
Base10 will try to publish intermittently throughout the day, but will probably not get to anything until this evening.