Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Good News From Iraq

The New York Times reports that a leaked cable from the CIA station chief in Iraq paints a bleak picture about Iraq's politics, economy and security. Base10 thinks this is good news! Since the CIA has been wrong about every mayor political development in the 20th century (and those of the 21st as well), it is heartening to hear them say this. If we base our conclusion on the CIA's track record in such matters, victory, peace, prosperity and democracy are just around the corner. Base10 wonders if Porter Goss will have something very loud and angry to say to his subordinates about the leaking of this document.

Meanwhile, Arthur Chrenkoff over at the Opinion Journal, has a report (that's not secret and hasn't been leaked) about real good news in Iraq. I suggest the CIA read it.
Quit picking on the CIA!!!
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