Friday, December 17, 2004
Every Time I Walk Away, the Boob Keeps Pulling Me Back In
It's not a good day to be Bernard Kerik. It's really hasn't been his week or his month for that matter. The allegations against him keep mushrooming. In NY Newsday, there is a report that Kerik skipped filling out his backround questionaire when he became Police Commissioner. There's also speculation that this could fireup the criminal investigation into Anthony Serra, Kerik's successor at Corrections and his deputy while serving there.
Here's an item about contract fixing with a company awarded a contract by the NYPD that Kerik later joined.
The NY Daily News reports--well let's just say, "Let the Probing Begin!"
For all those keeping score, this piece in the Village Voice has a nice, concise listing of all the scandals.
And finally, here's an item about the Bernard B. Kerik Complex, a correctional facility located in lower Manhattan (Base10 may photoblog this later) named after the erstwhile Commissioner. The city is not changing the name just jet, but Base10 has made this prediction before: the Bernard B. Kerik Complex will become the first correctional facility in the world to house the person after whom it is named.