Friday, November 19, 2004
One Marine With a Rifle Can Change the World

There's more comments on the Fallujah Marine and the mosque shooting. Oliver North notes that this particular mosque was already raided by advance troops and was a virtual arms warehouse. When the follow-up troops depicted in the video arrived they again met with enemy fire and a booby-trapped wounded insurgent. It all confirms that the people inside were terrorist scum. (Wait, calling them terrorist scum is an insult to scum everywhere).

Even Owen West and Phillip Carter of Slate--that bastion of conservative thought--think that the shooting was justified or at least ambiguous enough not to jump to conclusions about the Marine's actions.

Diana West of the Washington Times is not only siding with the Marine but is thankful that men like him are there to defend us. Base10 wholeheartedly agrees.

Douglas MacKinnon of the NY Post cautions that we must give the benefit of the doubt to the Marine and criticises some of the media in Iraq and right here at home--notably commentator/partisan shill Chris Mathews.
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