Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Not So Sorry
There is a great quote on yesterday's Best of the Web attributed to Jon Friedman of Investor's Business Daily.
The Bush political team intuitively understood the tone of the U.S. voters much better than the media did. To be honest, I still don't quite understand how certified media junkies like me could have been so wrong.
I read the New York Times and the New Yorker religiously. I watch CNN and the networks' evening news programs as well as the gabfests on Sunday mornings, too.
Go figure.
Hysterical. I know all about politics. I read the New York Times and watch CNN and none of my friends voted for Bush!
I suppose one could get try to get all of one's news from
Yes, the media did present the occasional story about the Wal-Mart Republicans. But mostly, the press and the networks gave them short shrift.
Instead, many star-struck journalists were enthralled by such Kerry supporters as Bruce Springsteen, who gamely hit the campaign trail with the candidate. And while the media gushed over the likes of Sean "Vote or Die" Combs, and, of course, the ubiquitous Michael Moore, the heartland tuned out the noise.
Some people observed that many television news anchors and reporters actually seemed to be depressed by Bush's victory. It's fashionable for (my fellow) liberals to gnash their teeth and act as if the Bush win was some sort of horrendous freak of nature, like an earthquake or a hurricane.
It wasn't, of course. In retrospect, it's apparent that the Bush loyalists were better organized, more experienced and shrewder than their counterparts in the Kerry camp.
Perhaps there's hope for Mr. Friedman after all.
There is a new web site that has been making the news. Sorryeverybody.com has digital photos of people with signs "apologizing" to the rest of the world for electing George Bush. As of this writing, Base10 cannot get through and suspects it is being innundated or being DOS attacked. Of course since the internet is instantaneous, there was a counter site put up as well, Werenotsorry.com which--well does the opposite. Base10's personal favorite is this one.