Friday, November 12, 2004
It looks like the firefighters are having at management lately. Check this story out about allegations of lengthy response times. This is actually one of Base10's fields of expertise. Response times are always distorted by outliers: 10-84 calls that are never given or are given late. It's the same situation in the Police Department. I'm curious why the story didn't give the median or modal reponse times, since then you can judge just how skewed the means are. It doesn't help that accusations are flying back and forth and the UFA's president has called for the Commissioner Scoppetta's ouster.
Be careful what you wish for. There's a rumour that has been circulating around 1PP for the last month or so that First Deputy Commissioner Grasso was slated to take over Scoppetta's spot. Grasso is a very strict disciplinarian and could be seen as someone who could put an end to some of the shenanigans that have plagued the agency like drunken firefighters driving, brawling or having sex in the firehouse.