Wednesday, November 03, 2004
The Emotional Toll
Base10 thinks an oft neglected election topic is the emotional toll the election takes on everyone: the participants, the players and even the public for that matter. Here's a breakdown:
Happy People:
George, Laura and the twins.
Dick and Lynne.
Sad People:
The other John.
Happy & Gay People:
Dick and Lynne's daughter.
Sad & Gay People:
Ron Reagan
Sad & Fat People:
Michael Moore
Sad People with Secret Documents in Their Pants:
Sandy Berger
Sad People Soon to Be Ousted as Chair of a National Party:
Terry McAuliffe
Scared People:
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Kim Jong-il
Bashar Al-Assad
Every mullah in Iran who has soiled his robes in the last 24 hours.
Scared People Who Will Soon Get a Hellfire Missile in Their Pants:
Osama bin Laden
Sad European People:
Jacques Chirac
Gerhard Schröder
Happy European People:
Tony Blair
Happy Australian People:
John Howard
Happy Middle Eastern People:
Ariel Sharon
Ayad Allawi
Hamid Karzai
Sad Middle Eastern People with a Catheter in Their Pants:
Yasser Arafat
Dopey People Who Are Sad:
Every single person at
Every single person at the Democratic Underground
Dopey People Who Are Sad With A Load of Money in Their Pants:
George Soros
Happy Vietnam Veterans:
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
John McCain
Sad Vietnam Veterans:
John Kerry, again.
Happy Bloggers:
Almost everyone, except Andrew Sullivan.
Sad Bloggers With Bad Exit Poll Information in Their Pants:
Happy Reporters:
Brit Hume
Happy and Smart Reporters with a Computer in Their Pants:
Michael Barone
Sad Reporters:
Susan Estrich
Sad Reporters Soon to Have a Pink Slip in Their Pants:
Dan Rather
Happy Musicians:
Brooks & Dunn
Sad Musicians:
Bruce Springsteen
Jon Bon Jovi
Sad Musicians with a Syringe of Botox in Their Pants:
Carol King
Bette Midler
Sad Athletes:
The New York Yankees (having nothing to do with the election).
Happy (Former) Athletes:
Happy Athletes with a World Series Ring in Their Pants:
Curt Schilling
Sad Residents of a Blue State:
The 60% of New York voters who cast their lot with John Kerry yesterday.
Happy Residents of a Blue State:
The 40% of New Yorkers who actually did vote for Bush.
Base10 is open for more suggestions.