Wednesday, October 20, 2004
The Yankees are Killing Me!
And Other Stories

Base10 simply cannot stay up late any more. Last night's Sox victory was quite exciting, but this is simply too much. After tonight's Game 7, Base10 thinks he will quit following post season play so closely. Great stuff last night though. Of particular note was the interference call against A-Rod that led to a called back run. Good call by the officials.

As Base10 sits here, the Houston-St. Louis game is tied at 4-4 at the top of the 12th. The Yankees-Sox game starts shortly. Here we go again!

In political news, Teresa Kerry appologized for a disparaging remark she made about First Lady Laura Bush. Although not really insulting in context, Mrs. Kerry asserted, "I don't know that she's ever had a real job — I mean, since she's been grown up. So her experience and her validation comes from important things, but different things."

While certainly not that insulting, the remark clearly shows a bit of ignorance about Laura Bush's tenure as a school teacher. Apparently after speaking to some campaign handlers who must have explained that insulting stay-at-home mothers is no way to reach the White House, Theresa issued this statement:

I had forgotten that Mrs. Bush had worked as a school teacher and librarian, and there couldn't be a more important job than teaching our children. As someone who has been both a full-time mom and full-time in work force, I know we all have valuable experiences that shape who we are. I appreciate and honor Mrs. Bush's service to the country as first lady and am sincerely sorry I had not remembered her important work in the past.

Not too much political news today other than Bush/Kerry attacks Kerry/Bush.

Base10 finds this mildly amusing. Jon Stewart of Daily Show fame made a guest appearance on CNN's Crossfire and got into a major confrontation with bow-tied host Tucker Carlson. Although both sides contributed to the confrontation, Stewart was the one who eventually used the expletive. You know it's funny, but this reminds Base10 about his comments on the NYT's indorsement of John Kerry. By relentlessly boosting for Kerry, Stewart is ignoring half his audience. This should concern him considering that his young-adult demographic is growing increasingly conservative. Recent reports of plumetting ratings should come as no surprise. While Jon Stewart is certainly entitled to his opinion, it's very hard to take a comedian seriously about politics. Hmm, nuclear fuel in Iran. Jon, what do you say? Crack a few one-liners and maybe they'll stop processing fuel.

Well, game's on.
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