Saturday, October 30, 2004
Shameless Media Watch

Base10 cannot believe this article in the AP. Check out the headline:

"Bush, Kerry Seek Edge From bin Laden Tape" - Associated Press, APPLETON, Wis.

Bush and Kerry. Both of them, eh?

Here's what Kerry said:

"It was wrong to divert our forces from Afghanistan so that we could rush to war in Iraq (news - web sites) without a plan to win the peace. It was wrong to outsource the job of capturing bin Laden to local warlords."

(Which, by the way, was the strategy John Kerry endorsed at the time).

Here's what Bush said:

"The terrorists who killed thousands of innocent people are still dangerous and they are determined."

Oh, and the AP also complained, "In response to the videotape, the Bush administration warned state and local officials that the tape may be intended to promote or signal an attack on the United States."

Yeah, that's partisan.

Paritsan would be calling Kerry a Frenchified surrender monkey. No wait that wouldn't be partisan. That would be true. I can't get over how the AP needs to put Kerry and Bush on equivalent moral ground after Kerry's crass remark.

UPDATE: There's an interesting though unrelated paragraph in the above item.

Throughout the battlegrounds, Kerry's mostly paid-army of organizers were pitted against Bush's largely volunteer-driven team to get supporters to the polls Tuesday. It's too late for some: Early voting mushroomed this year and, in Florida alone, nearly 2 million voters have already cast ballots.

Interesting, Kerry supporters need compensation. It sure helps to be a billionaire if you're running for President.
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