Monday, October 25, 2004
No Joy in Mudville

There is little joy in MUdville today. Yesterday the Jets took a loss from the New England Patriots. The boys in green did not get embarrassed, losing onlly 13-7, but the loss is all the more difficult since they had victory in their sights. But for a few key mistakes, the Jets would have broken NE's winning streak.

Jets fans should not get too down on the team just yet. If in the off season I would have told you that the Jets would be 5-1 going into week eight, you would have liekly scoffed. Heading into their next two games against Miami and Buffalo, respectively, the Jets may indeed improve their record to 7-1 by the midpoint of the season. Take the NE loss for what it was: Base10 had himself crossed this one off before the season began. Let the Jets worry about going to the playoffs first, and then we'll worry about playing New England in the AFC Championship. (The Jets and NE do face off again in the second-to-last game of the season--let's hope that game is meaningless by then).

OUr crosstown cousing, the New York Giants also did not fair well, losing to Detroit 28-13. In other odd outcomes, Kansas City pasted Indy 56-10 while Green Bay flattened Dallas 41-10. Base10 caught a little bit of the Dallas-Green Bay collision and thought how remarkable it was that a few short years ago, fans would have been drooling to watch this matchup. How the mighty have fallen!

In the World Series (which is curiously limited to North America), Boston extended its winning streak to two games by defeating St. Louis 6-2. Base10 thinks they will need these wins since the Cardinals will probably have their big guns ready at home on Tuesday.

Tonight's Monday Night matchup features Denver vs. Cincy.
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