Sunday, October 31, 2004
No Joy in Mudville (Special Florida Edition)
Readers will recall Base10's visit to the DC area was premised on a road trip to watch the NCAA football collision between Florida St. and Maryland. The Base10 cousin is an FSU alum while her husband is a graduate of U of M. In a strange twist of fate--having never before beaten the mightly 'Noles--the Terapins stunned Florida State beating them 20-17. Base10's cousin was crushed, but the conclusion is obvious. Fear the Turtle! (Base10 particularly likes the in-your-face turtle logo on the Terapin's web site).
The college football gods certainly did not smile upon Florida teams this week. Georgia beat Florida by 31-24, while unranked Chapel Hill humiliated Miami of Fl. 31-28.
Base10 is unfortunately live blogging on Amtrak as he writes this and so will miss some of the early games. However, he should be back in time for the four o'clock match-ups. In any event, Base10's beloved Jets do not play until Monday night against Miami. Click here for a preview. Let's hope the professional Florida teams fair no better than their collegiate cousins.
In other football news, Base10 will be heavily rooting for Washington. Click here for the reason why. Also at the intersection of politics and football, check out this quote by Teresa Heinz Kerry about Green Bay fans. This is especially disturbing since she needs Green Bay to win against Washington today.