Thursday, October 28, 2004
Five Days

Base10 witnessed history last night when the Boston Red Sox beat the Cardinals 3-0 sweeping them and winning the World Series for the first time since World War I. Congratulations Bosox fans! The curse of the Bambino is now relegated to the dust bin of history. Revel in the moment New England sports fans and count yourselves lucky to have champions in two sports this year. What's next, the Celtics?

Obviously not caring about the Yankee fan demographic, Senator Kerry declared the Sox to be America's Team. Perhaps he is right, because some of the team members are certainly from red states. Boy if you can't depend on your home team to endorse you, what else is left?

In other news, the world is currently on a Yasser Arafat death watch. In spite of knowing that he is a truly evil man, it is still exceedingly morbid how the world is standing still waiting for him to die. Arafat is supposedly flying to Paris for medical treatment. There are some interesting comments by Roger L. Simon who notes that Arafat's death comes right after the greatest triumph of the Sharon government.

Of course France once again shows itself to be on the side of terrorists.

Iraq explosive watch. It seems that this story just gets worse and worse for the NY Times. The Washington Times reports that Russian troops moved the explosives in the weeks before the start of the war. See Roger L. Simon again for some more details about a major discrepancy in the amount of explosives in question--we're talking 380 tons to 3.

ABC is now reporting that the explosives were there after the American's arrived at the facility. Supposedly, they have experts that can identify barrels with the UN Seal. Base10 is not going to hold his breath. The destruction wreaked upon CBS's typewriter experts by the blogoshere makes Base10 not take statements like this at face value.

CBS was allegedly holding on to this story to air it on 60 Minutes on Sunday, a scant 36 hours before the polls open.

It's pretty shocking to think that the mainstream media would manipulate the news to influence the election.

Terrorist Video Watch. In similar story that Base10 has been following on Drudge all day, ABC came into possession of a video tape from an al Qaeda member threatening new terrorist attacks and mass casualties according to Drudge. Apparently, ABC turned over the tape to the FBI for authentication. Drudge claims it was authenticated--others are voicing doubts. Also, there are reports that ABC withheld a portion of the tape that threatened violence if Bush and Cheney are reelected.

Supposedly, ABC news was not originally going to air the tape. According to Drudge, the network was struggling to find a correct journalistic "balance," The source stated, "This is not something you just throw out there while people are voting." Apparently that's only a concern if it helps Bush.

In any event, it seems that after major pressure from the public, ABC caved and aired portions of the tape. I can't wait to see the pundits take on this on Sunday.

It's pretty shocking to think that the mainstream media would manipulate the news to influence the election.

In the multimedia department, see this funny clip comparing Bush and Edwards in a way you might not expect. (Via Vodkapundit).
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