Monday, October 25, 2004
Eight Days

A disturbing piece appeared in the Boston Globe over the weekend. This article describes the shocking ignorance of the American electorate about even basic political issues. Interesting reading. Base10 tends to agree with the conclusion that political campaigns are reduced to soundbites largely because that's the most the electorate can handle. The corollory to the story is why the parties don't try to better educate the electorate?

There's some thoughtful comment on Sinclair Broadcasting's decision not to air the anti-Kerry documentary "Stolen Honor." The Opinion Journal argues that Democrat action to stifle the film is tantamount to censorship. Base10 disagrees. Boycotting a speaker with whom you disagree is the ultimate form of free speech. Just remember that Republicans can do this too. Remember the Reagan biography? We should be happy to remind the Democrats in the future that they approve of this tactic.

Elsewhere in the Opinion Jounal is this item by Harvard professor Ruth Wisse, who writes about the complete lack of political diversity at Harvard. As a Kenedy School alum, Base10 completely agrees. Of course the best part of the article is seeing a Harvard professor use the phrase "regnant culture of pusillanimity" in a Wall Street Journal article.

Also over the weekend, a new Bush-Cheney commercial came out called "Wolves." It is very powerful and underlies the threat facing America. Kerry responded with a commercial comparing a souring eagle to an ostrich with its head in the ground. Some Sunday morning commentators noted that this ad actually helps Bush!

Charles Krauthammer had a thought provoking item in the WAPO over the weekend. He suggests that in return for European support for America under Kerry, the only logical thing that Kerry can offer up to Europe is Israel. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Finally, there's an excellent article from the always excellent Victor Davis Hanson on six reasons that Kerry will not win the election. Well worth a read.
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