Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Baseball and Politics.
Base10 is simply tired tonight. After staying up to the wee hours watching the Yankees-Sox collision, Base10 has decided that he likes baseball much better when they can actually complete the game in nine innings. It has already entered the history books as the longest (in time) playoff game. Of course, there was also the Rams-Bucs game--one that Base10 had a keen interest in from a fantasy perspective. All in all a great day for sports, particularly for a Monday. Tonight, in twenty minutes or so weather permitting, ACS game six will start. Let's hope for an exciting, but quick ending.
As a consequence of burning the sports candle at both ends, Base10 is a little beat. But here's a few tidbits to chew on:
Tuesday Morning Quarterback is up on the NFL site. TMQ--aka Gregg Easterbrook--is one of Base10's favorite football commentators. Check out today's screed here.
But let's not forget Football Fans for Truth. After listening to all this nonsense about tracking polls, approval ratings and the like, it's obvious that only one measurement that really matters. Polls don't lie.
In a serious poll that might actually be frightening members of the Kerry camp, Rasmussen Reports conducted a survey about whether votes expected their taxes to increase under each candidate. 45% said they expected their taxes to go up under Kerry while 68% said they expected them to remain the same or go down under Bush.
In keeping with the audiovisual theme of yesterday, there is a great video of John Edwards prepping (or should we say preening) for a television appearance. If you thought that Kerry exhibited some girlish qualities when throwing a football, he has nothing on his running mate. (Via Best of the Web).
Well, games's on. More tomorrow.