Friday, October 22, 2004
Ah, Friday!

Base10 had a hard week, but also a good week. A major project is now on the finishing cycle and today is an early day.

How about them Yankees? First of all, Base10 is glad that this ALCS thing is over. So tired! Second, the Red Sox deserve to have won. They played good ball and didn't give up when the chips were down. So good in fact that they staged the greatest comeback in the history of post season play in perhaps any sport. Of course the corrolory to this is that the Yankees therefore suffered the greatest collapse of all time. As Mrs. Base10 noted it was all because Jesus hit a grand slam! How can the Yankees compete with that?

Having spent a year in Boston (and watched a year's worth of Sox games), Base10 knows that Boston is a great sports town. A little obnoxious, yes, but still very loyal. They deserve this win and Base10 will be rooting for them in the World Series. They'll need all the help they can get since they will be playing the St. Louis Cardinals.

The Yankees shouldn't be down. One has to marvel at their organization. Not just the palyers and the coaches but scouts and front office finance guys. To consistently get to the post season (and often deep into it) is a tribute to the talent of the entire organization. Don't tell this to Steinbrener, of course.

Base10 is frankly quite tired of the political news and commentary. At this stage of the game there is no substance left. Baring an October surprise, everything now hinges on getting out the vote and staying on message. In Base10's mind this is the most boring part of the campaign.

There is an occasional gem though. Check out the Great White Hunter. Notice he can't carry his own goose. Mysteriously, no one saw him actually bag the bird either.

There is a very good article in the American Spectator about the methodology of the polls. Well worth a read. This is particularly interesting to Base10 since he does statistical analysis. The final point by the author, John Tabin, is interesting. He suggests that Kerry has a distinct chance of winning the elcetoral college without winning the popular vote. As he puts it: "The same commentators who wrung their hands about the barbarous and anachronistic electoral college in 2000 will suddenly sing the praise of that venerable old, uniquely American institution."

Before leaving the Spectator, check out this piece about an awful murder perpetrated by a 17 year-old in Missouri. Just the thing to get your blood pressure up on a Friday morning! Although a jury gave him the "chair," some judges thought it was too cruel. This is a case to follow in the Supreme Court.

Back to polling methods, another comment comes from Steven den Beste. He suggests that the Kerry numbers were deliberately rigged to produce an October "comeback." I don't think I agree with his analysis, but it is interesting. Michael Barone has an interesting take on it himself.

Then there's this in the Village Voice (via Roger L. Simon). Is there anything left to say?

That's it for now. Not much in the sporting world tonight, except what is likely to be a snoozer NCAAF game pitting Louisville and South Florida. Perhaps some more posting later.
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