Thursday, September 02, 2004
Zell Gives 'em Hell,
and more Politics as Usual

Base10 would like to make a quick post. He is hoping to catch some of the Giants game since he is still scouting Eli Manning for possible inclusion into Base10's ever important fantasy football team. Base10's draft is on Monday and this weekend will be filled with quantitative analysis.

In any event, Base10 caught the speakers last night. What can he say? Zell Miller's oratory left Base10 speechless. He not only comes off as a trusted uncle, his striking criticism of the Democrats would not have been possible if he were a Republican. Cheney was okay, but I wonder if people were paying attention after Miller.

Here are a few links: Lileks has some interesting comments, as does Allah with complete convention blogging.

Base10 realizes that no comment he could make could possibly take the place of Miller's speech. Here is a link for transcripts and video.

Even better is this link (via Wizbang) that shows the pummelling Chris Matthews received from Miller during an interview after the speech.

Also, the situation is starting to look better and better for Bush, especially in Florida.

And finally, in the "I'm not sure if this is a gag or not" department, The Post's Page Six reports (hat tip to Mrs. Base10) that the Reverend Jesse Jackson led a march and asked the marchers to kneel and join him in a prayer near the Garden. According to the Post, the group following him was Atheists for Kerry.
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