Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Tuesday Night Redux
Base10 penned this screed last night but due to the vagaries of Microsoft products and the increasingly unreliable Blogger API, he lost an hour and a half's work. Rather than try to recreate it, Base10 was sorely tempted to smash his deck into little pieces. Instead, he decided to settle into a nice depression and watch the Mets lose to Atlanta. (More on the Mets later this week).
Here is the attempted recreation:
First item is Christopher Hitchens piece in Slate. Base10 doesn't regularly read Hitchens but occasionally he comes up with a gem. (Like this scathing review of documentarian/propagandist/loser Michael Moore's latest smearing of excrement on the big screen). Noting that Mrs. Kerry suggested that the administration is hiding Osama for some October surprise, Hitchens writes:
Some really bad news from Iraq, or perhaps Afghanistan, and/or a sudden collapse or crisis in the stock market, and Kerry might yet "turn things around." You have heard it, all right, and perhaps even said it. But you may not have appreciated how depraved are its implications. If you calculate that only a disaster of some kind can save your candidate, then you are in danger of harboring a subliminal need for bad news. And it will show. What else explains the amazingly crude and philistine remarks of that campaign genius Joe Lockhart, commenting on the visit of the new Iraqi prime minister and calling him a "puppet"? Here is the only regional leader who is even trying to hold an election, and he is greeted with an ungenerous sneer. The unfortunately necessary corollary of this—that bad news for the American cause in wartime would be good for Kerry—is that good news would be bad for him. Thus, in Mrs. Kerry's brainless and witless offhand yet pregnant remark, we hear the sick thud of the other shoe dropping.
The shame is that the Kerry camp is pinning their hopes on American military diaster. The idea the administration is hiding OBL is clearly entering into the realm of tin foil hats.
In a follow up to Monday's screed about Kerry's feckless treatment of America's allies, see this link for Bill Kristol's excellent argument that Kerry's recent statements alone are compelling evidence that he is unfit for office.
Considering Kerry's hopes for Islamic terrorist success, here's another endorsement that he probably wishes he didn't get.
Speaking of tin foil hats. There's this item from our beloved ex-president, Jimmy Carter (who clearly is suffering from the late stages of Alzheimer's disease--no, that's an insult to senile people everywhere) about his concern over fair elections in America and their apparent impossiblity in the great state of Florida. The WSJ editheads note that the widespread claims of voter intimidation in the 2000 election in Florida are completely false.
There's an odd thing going on at Yahoo News. Base10 read an article about how police unions have split on endorsing Bush and Kerry. Base10's original comment on this was the fact the the FOP was endorsing Bush but the organizations endorsing Kerry were never heard of by Base10. This is not to say they aren't influential, but they appear to be umbrella groups of some kind. Now the interesting thing is that this article has disapeared from Yahoo News. Here is the story in the Trib (soul sucking registration required), but where is it in Yahoo? This was on the Yahoo entry page news links! Even the Trib article only lists NAPO as the endorsing organization for Kerry. Was the original report (from AP, I think) which listed the International Brotherhood of Police Officers (who ever they are) in error? This could be a CBS News moment.
And finally, smack dab in the intersection between football and politics is this web site. Absolutely right! We cannot afford this man becoming the Fan-in-Chief.