Saturday, August 21, 2004
Sunday Morning Shoutfest Preview
There's an interesting lineup this Sunday morning. On Meet the Press, Tim Russert interviews Senators George Allen and John Corzine, Kerry campaign's Tad Devine and Bush campaign's Ken Mehlman.
On Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer Senator Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Intelligence committee, Senator Carl Levin of the Armed Services Committee and Alexandra and Vanessa Kerry, relatives of the Senator John Kerry.
On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace interviews Van Odell and Larry Thurlow of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Senators Sam Brownback and Joe Lieberman.
Finally, on the eponymous This Week with George Stephanopoulos, no inteviews were yet listed. Shame, shame, ABC.
Actually an interesting lineup. Base10 will probably go for the lurid and make sure he catches the Swifties on Fox followed by the Kerry daughters. (Let's hope that Alexandra is not quite so open as this).