Monday, August 09, 2004
Politics as Usual
There is an excellent piece on National Review Online about the Paul Krugman/Bill O'Reilly debate on Saturday's Timm Russert CNBC show. Base10 didn't know about it, but would have tried to catch it. Base10 used to like O'Reilly alot. Years ago he was more edgy and was a breath of fresh journalistic air. Indeed, I didn't perceive him to really have a conservative agenda. Today though, Base10 like him less. He seems to spend more time shouting at people than doing interviews. Still, Donald Luskin's account of the debate makes one hopeful about O'Reilly. (via Allahpundit).
Many blogs are reporting the Drudge/Boston Globe/Michael Kranish/Swiftboat controversy. Boston Globe reporter Michael Kranish reported that one of the Swiftboat Veteran's For Truth recanted the allegations made in their forthcoming book. The Vets have not backed down and claimed (via affadavit by the interviewee) that he was both misquoted and mischaracterized. Meanwhile, the same reporter was called to task by Drudge for writing the introduction to the compaign's official book while still reporting on the campaign for the Globe. The Globe so far has stuck by it's story. Interestingly, many many bloggers are pointing out the cached web pages that are still up do indeed show Kranish as a listed author. A typical but very good description of the controversy is over at LGF. What I don't get is that people believe they can alter the internet without leaving a trail.
It seems that the Swift Veteran controversy that spawned the Kranish affair is getting some legs. It was at least mentioned on Fox News Sunday and Meet the Press. Many are suggesting that Bush condemn the ads. (When will Kerry condemn Michael Moore and George Soros)? A detail is rising to the surface. Kerry made a statement on the Congressional Record that he spent Christmas on an illegal mission in Cambodia in 1968. Apparently, the Swifties are claiming that this is a baldfaced lie. See original report from Drudge. Meanwhile, the mainstream media is begining to take notice here and here.