Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Police News Roundup (Weekly Edition)

Police and fire unions continue their high-profile tactics in the current rounds of labor "talks" with the city. This morning they protested in front of the live morning news shows. Newsday's account is a little more ominous suggesting the posibility of a strike. In spite of this, the Mayor and Commissioner are pledging New York will be safe for the RNC.

In Albany, Yassin Aref and Mohammed Hossain, the leaders of an upstate mosque will be arraigned on Thurday on charges that they laundered money to buy a shoulder fired missile.

Lenny Levitt is reporting in a somewhat indeciferable story that Commissioner Kelly and the Mayor don't like Pasquale D'Amuro the current head of the FBI's New York office. Why this is news eludes Base10. It should be noted that in Levitt's previous column, he alluded that Kelly didn't like former Commissioner Kerik either. While animosity toward the former Police Commissioner is understandable, doesn't this indicate a slow news day?



And finally in the "stop me before I pun again" department, an unidentified farmer in Australia was sent packing from an agricultural exhibit after officials discovered a banned substance in the cow's udder. This sounds udderly ridiculous!

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