Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Ungrateful Olympians
and More Politics as Usual
UPDATE: Base10 penned this screed last night, but had some trouble with the links and publishing. Problems with Blogger? Oh, the humanity!
Base10 saw a few conventioneers today on the subway. It's easy to spot them. (Remember, I'm a Republican too). They dress like geeks--strictly shorts-and-polo-shirt attire, and they do not know how to hold onto the pole in the subway. In any event, although they may have a confused look about them, they seem to act much like us. They travel with their families, they seem curious and attentive. They're even willing to spend some money in this 'burg. They seem so much like you and me. Why do they want to kill our children?
Base10 caught the Republican Convention last night. Two speeches: McCain and Giuliani. Although the blogosphere polls appear to favor Giuliani by a wide margin, Base10 rather liked McCain. His speech was powerful and full of passion. When Base10 saw it, he immediately thought that John McCain is positioning himself for a Presidential run in 2008. Giuliani on the other hand, was merely amusing. He does know how to work a crowd, and while his speech was entertaining, it didn't deliver the same sense of urgency as McCain's. Well you can judge for yourself: here are the transcripts of McCain and Giuliani.
To be fair, Base10 is sick and tired of Giuliani. Maybe he has seen him speak too often. Readers should note that Giuliani has all but declared his own 2008 ambitions. Frankly, speaking as a Giuliani-era employee of this fair city, if he ever runs for President, it may be the only thing that would cause Base10 to change parties. Trust me America, this man does not belong in the White House. All the scare hyperbole that you hear about totalitarian Bush--it's all true of Giuliani.
During McCain's speech he made a remark about "disingenuous filmakers"--a clear reference to Michael Moore for those not paying attention. Moore--unwilling to let a moment go by without some sort of media attention--gave McCain the "loser" sign. (And click here for an excellent photoshop of it). Well, I guess in Moore's fervor to see the Republicans lose, he forgot to look at the latest polls. He should also take a look at the Fox News ratings for their convention coverage during primetime. And maybe take a look at this article that suggests the Kerry campaign is spiralling out of control. What was that Michael? In touch with the common man you say?
To add a few blood pressure points, look at Moore's convention coverage piece in USA Today. Base10 digs the disclaimer at the end. Jonah Goldberg covered the DNC, so anything Moore does is okay. I don't recall Jonah Goldberg gesticulating to the cameras when a Democrat was speaking. And maybe USA Today thinks that readers forgot that they fired Ann Coulter from her spot writing about the DNC. Given that her piece was far less offensive than Moore's, one wonders about the hearts and minds over at USA Today.
In non-Convention news, members of the Iraqi Olympic team were highly critical of President Bush and the Iraq war. I wonder why they never spoke up about their conditions under Saddam? Oh that's right, he and his lunatic sons would torture athletes. Well I'm glad that the Iraqi Olympians feel safe enough now to voice dissent. Maybe if they would have fought their regime to begin with, it wouldn't be necessary for the coalition to do it. If surrender were an Olympic sport, the Iraqi team might win gold. (No Base10 takes that back. They would win silver. Gold would go to the French). Base10 finds it amusing that the newly minted free speech rights afforded the Iraqi athletes are being used to bash the very entity that bestowed them. Caveat here: Base10 does not think this attitude is universally held by Iraqi athletes--or Iraqi citizens for that matter.
In convention violence, let's see. One cop viciously beaten by "peaceful protestors," a sergeant lucky he's not losing a leg because of "activists" and a cop with minor burns because demonstrators had to set fire to something. Well, it could be worse.
Base10 has to go. The twins are on. And Laura and Aaaahnold! More tomorow.