Friday, July 23, 2004
Sunday Shoutfest Preview
Ah Sunday approaches and Base10 forsees much shouting at the television. On Meet the Press, Tim Russert interviews 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean and Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton. In a similar Commission vein, on This Week, George Stephanopoulos interviews Commission members Bob Kerrey and John Lehman. (For extra bloviation, Ted Kennedy will also make an appearance).
Other shoutfest shows appear to be taking a Democratic Convention tack rather than the 9/11 Commission. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsyvania. For good measure there's also Chris Heinz, Sen. Kerry’s stepson. Over on Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer interviews Barack Obama, DNC keynote speaker.
Because of convention commentary, this appears to be a predominantly Democratic weekend and therefore will include particularly loud shouting.