Friday, July 30, 2004
Sayonara, DNC
Base10 did not catch Kerry's acceptance speech last night, which is probably good for his blood pressure. CNN has text and video (scroll down). Most pundits so far have given it good, but not great, ratings. Drudge reports that early TV figures suggest dismal ratings (plus, check out the amusing photos). But how much of a bounce will Kerry get?
The aftermath of the speech though, that's what gets to Base10. (There goes the blood pressure again). For example:
- The DNC actually ended with James Taylor singing "Fire and Rain." Are we in some time warp here? What with the Vietenam veterans and the sixties musicians, Base10 feels like a toddler again. Maybe they can bring back all those sixties concepts like America's defeat, social unrest and economic chaos.
- Jay Leno did the journalistic equivalent of fellating Michael Moore (well, maybe that's an image we could all do without) on the Tonight Show, including letting him sing "God Bless America!" Base10 wonders if this is going to do Leno's ratings any good.
- In the "Bush is an idiot, Kerry is an intellectual" arena, CNN had an interesting piece about John Kerry by former Massachusetts governor William Weld who ran against Kerry for the Senate spot in 1996. Weld said Kerry was a wily debater but prone to "analysis paralysis." Analysis paralysis is an interesting phenomenon, and it's something Base10 has fallen victim to on occasion. The most thorough analysis often leads to inaction, and probably led to a few Kerry flip-flops.
Thank God it's over.