Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I Could Think of Other Things to Call Him

In the unfortunate headline department, John Edwards will be speaking tonight at the DNC and leaked details of his speech reveal that he will call John Kerry "decisive" and "strong."  Meanwhile, in spite of Michael Moore, the TV ratings for the minimal media coverage of the DNC has been staggeringly low.  Base10 thinks the Democrats should beware.  Mainstream America (maybe there's more than John Edwards "Two Americas.") perhaps does not like to see this level of Bush bashing.  They may not agree with the President, but they do not like to see him trashed.

Base10 sees the memes that have been cropping up again and again in the campaign, specifically at the Convention:

Also from Mrs. Kerry, 

"He's a fighter!" - Theresa Heinz Kerry.   Base10 always wondered where the pugilistic references entere politics.  It seems that boxing and football are the usual metaphors for politics.  Who exactly will John Kerry be fighting?  Will they be using gloves or is it bareknuckle?(BTW lady, please lose the French accent).

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