Friday, July 16, 2004
Go Lance!
And Other Sports...
Stage 12 ended a couple of hours ago and Base10 was impressed. Lance Armstrong and the Posties attacked during the stage and as a result, Lance is now Number 2 in the overall standings. After this, the first real mountain stage, he is about four minutes ahead of his main rivals. Base10 can't wait to see the weekend rides.
In Mets news, the Metskies won against Philly in extra innings last night closing the gap to one game. Base10 had to admit he did not see the win. After about the 11th inning, Base10 usually goes to bed and just assumes the Mets will win. This time it actually worked! There's another game tonight and Base10 can stay up! Hurrah!
In PGA news, Skip Kendall leads with a -7 at the British Open. However, there are plenty of great golfers breathing down his neck!
Yahoo has an interesting item about former Minnesota Vikings RB Robert Smith who led the NFC in rushing at 28 years of age in 2000. Smith was about to become a free agent and was bound to sign a big contract but chose instead to walk away from pro football entirely. Smith has an autobiography out that sheds some light on his decision. While he cites some conflicts with Randy Moss, it seems that the key reason was lack of intellectual challenge. An intellectual, Smith admits he never really liked football and decalred the intense preparation akin to a remedial math class. Sounds like an interesting book.