Thursday, July 29, 2004
DNC, Again...

Base10 came across an interesting piece by Dan Rather who stated that if the networks devoted three hours of coverage to the convention, a test pattern would get higher ratings (via Drudge).  Oddly, ABC is reporting that rather than getting the expected pre-convention bounce, Kerry may have actually dipped in the polls.  While GOPers should expect a post-convention bounce, Base10 wonders whether this election is defying all conventional wisdom. 

Okay, bad pun.  But here is some terribly funny commentary today from Allahpundit.  While the "bunny" suits are funny, Base10 does not think this will ultimately become Kerry's Dukakis moment.

Also on Drudge, a breaking story about a book to be published next month by Kerry's successor as Swiftboat commander in Vietnam.  The book, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, by John E. O'Neill.  This promises to be rather scathing, among other things:

Time will tell whether this controvery has legs, but this is the kind of thing that could ruin Kerry--but only if it is coming from verifiable, non-partisan sources.

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