Thursday, July 01, 2004
Al Sharpton

The Times is reporting that Reverend/Media Whore Al Sharpton is going to be starring in a reality TV show. In the show, entitled "I Hate My Job," Reverend Al will be giving job advice to those seeking to change their careers. Base10 thinks this is hysterical. To Base10's knowledge and the "reverend" title not withstanding, Al Sharpton has never held gainful employment. What qualifies him to advise others on this? On the other hand there is a certain logic in this. Perhaps he could teach prospective job applicants that instead of polishing their marketable skills they should instead threaten their prospective employers with lawsuits, demonstrations and boycotts. In another class, Sharpton could teach applicants all about matching funds and how to make a mockery of the political process by making a fraudulent run for president while running up sky-high bills at luxury hotels and then expecting the taxpayer to foot the bill. He could even teach a third class focused on media management and how to increase one's marketability by having teenage girls make false criminal allegations and accusing Assistant District Attorneys of coverups one knows are false. (Oh wait, Rev. Al did have to pay some money out of his own pocket for that one).
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