Thursday, May 27, 2004
Sports Odds and Ends
The Maurice Clarett saga finally appears to be over. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in the NFL's favor on the merits, meaning Clarett won't be eligible for the NFL Draft until next year like everyone else in his age group. The same court had previously vacated an order compelling the NFL to allow Clarett in the Draft arguing that Clarett was unlikely to succeed on the merits. Clarett's only recourse now is an appeal to the US Supreme Court. He is unlikely to succeed there since the Supreme Court already declined to review the original order's revocation. Clarett's options appear limited. He is unlikely to be allowed back into the NCAA. He will be eligible next year, but his stock will certainly fall considerably without playing time. He does of course have the option of going to Canada for the year.

USC wide receiver Mike Williams, on the other hand, is still in limbo. Base10 feels much more sympathetic to Mike Williams than he does for Clarett. USC is reportedly beginning the process to allow him to return following the Clarett ruling.

How 'Bout Them Mets! The New York Mets are playing .500 ball. Hurrah! New York's second city baseball team has finally achieved mediocrity. Now if only we can maintain it. The Mets are actually in a good position, last night's typical collapse at middle relief not withstanding. They are only two games out of first place in a weak NL east. Apparently mediocrity can be quite dominating in some circumstances. The Mets play the Marlins and Philly over the next ten games. A winning streak here could propel them into a solid leading position that can be sustained until the All Star break. Will they win? Will they lose? Will they play .500 ball? Base10 thinks the latter. No clear leader will emerge from the East and the Mets will continue to play .500 ball. After the break, it's anybodies game, and the Mets can make a run for it.

How 'Bout Them Jets! The media has been strangely devoid of content concerning the Jet's off-season football activities, but has been lousy with articles about the West Side Stadium proposal. The Jet's website is reporting that a letter sent to Mayor Mike and Governor Pataki indicates that a New York Superbowl could happen in 2010. The Jets are also planning a rally on June 3 at City Hall Park to support the stadium. Base10 may attend.

The Jets have reportedly hired an elite group of lobbyists to help secure their stadium. Those opposed to the stadium are certainly not holding back either. The Times has an interesting piece that notes New York's 2012 Olympic proposal might be more helpful to the Jets than getting any lobbyist's help. By far the funniest piece seen by Base10 is Ralph Nader's staunch opposition to the plan. Now there are many rational reasons to be opposed to the stadium, but Mr. Nader's assertion that the Jet's should pay for their own stadium is ridiculous since they are $800 million. The city and state are picking up costs for infrastructure improvements including the platform over the West Side railroad yards.

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