Monday, May 24, 2004
New & Noteworthy (at Least to Me).
Base10 actually made the Rockaway trip over the weekend, but to his surprise, there was no early start to summer. A live Rockaway blog will have to be done after the Memorial Day weekend.

In other news, Base10 actually got Mrs. Base10 out on her bicycle on Sunday. What followed was a nice ride to Williamsburg and Park Slope. This may warrant blogging from the field as well.

Base10 has come across a couple of websites of note:

The Gotham Gazette is a nice web-only news site about contemporary issues in New York City. I like that they often have more thoughtful pieces on police issues instead of the usual newspaper soundbites. While I like the site, I have to admit they seem to cater to the more liberal elements of our city. For example, check out this piece about whether tax cuts are always good. Base10 suggests the reader (and author, for that matter) take an introductory course in micro- and macroeconomics. Tax cuts are always good. Unless there is a rare instance of a market failure, the private sector does everything more efficiently than the public sector. Let me reiterate TAX CUT = GOOD. But check out the Gotham Gazette anyway. It has a great collection of links and very thoughtful articles.

Base10 doesn't usually like "buff" sites, i.e. those run by webmasters with an unhealthy fixation of law enforcement. He is however willing to make an exception here. is a pretty good site, but obviously is relying on ad revenue to stay afloat and this is certainly going to color their content. Here is link to the news page.

Speaking of "buff" websites, here is one that is actually very good. While Base10 is not a buff, he does enjoy the items about the history of the Department. The Squad Room is a pretty good site that appears to be written by active members. Note though, that the author appears to only post once a week (but with a good deal of content) and does not seem to provide live links.

New York City also has recently acquired a pair of morning dailies: AM NewYork and Metro. AM NewYork is a subsidiary of Newsday. Base10 can't say yet whether this has influenced its editorial choices. Base10 thinks Metro is owned by a Luxembourg company (hence the .lu top level web address), but publishes morning editions all around the world. They have a really nice feature that allows you to download PDF versions of their editions.

Another NYC news aggregator is This cite is pretty good and provides one-stop shopping for city news.

Sort of a website, sort of a blog, is the Gothamist. It's an intriguing website and worth a visit.

Mrs. Base10 recently discovered a humor magazine called Jest. Base10 has been disappointed with The Onion lately. I suppose all those funny people had to do something. I particularly like this article in this week's edition about what your books say about you.

Finally, a site which continually gets Base10 depressed, but nonetheless provides useful information is PolicePay.Net. It's nice to see how the other half live sometimes...
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