Monday, May 10, 2004
Base10 Returns!
Due to a confluence of unrelated events, Base10 has not been posting recently. Blame this on (1) a series of hellish work assignments, (2) a Mets sweep of the Giants conducted largely late at night, (3) a general sense of weariness and malaise, and most recently (4) Base10's mother being in the hospital. Thankfully, Base10's mom looks like she's going to be okay. Base10 promises new, exciting and thoughtful posts (well at least new), but will make the following random observations, (links to follow):
(1) In the midst of unrelentingly good economic news, Base10 still notices that the media does not seem to give any credit whatsoever to the president. The most the media outlets say is something like "GDP up three quarters, but jobs still a worry" or "Economy recovering but joblessness dogs Bush." Check these real examples here, here, and here. I had a discussion about this with a person whom I respect that is fairly well educated (okay it was one of my bar buddies, but he really is smart and well educated) who insisted that the economy was in the toilet, apparently based on what he has been told in the popular media (or maybe because he doesn't get to the last part of the story below the fold in the Times). I pointed out that the US has had three consecutive 4.4% plus quarters of GDP growth. Of course I got the response that there are no jobs. I pointed out that the jobless rate was the same now as it was during the run-up to Clinton's reelection. I know this is true because I checked it with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the arbiter of such things. I'm just amazed that an otherwise intelligent and literate person could be so misinformed by the media.
(2) Speaking of media misinformation, the editor-in-chief of the LA Times gave a speech about ethics in journalism. His remarks were a thinly veiled diatribe against Fox News. He noted some study I have not heard of or read about that suggests Fox viewers are grossly misinformed about international affairs. I wonder if he has been talking to my friend mentioned above, who apparently gets his information from the LA Times' New York cousin. The best thing about this speech is that this is the same paper where an opera critic claimed a particular operatic production was "pro-life" and a nameless editor changed the phrase to "anti-abortion" without regard for the context of the article or content of the opera since this phraseology is the editorial policy of the paper.
(3) Is there a level of media hysteria going on about the Iraqi prisoner affair? I'm not excusing the conduct. But let's be serious! I read a commentator in the NY Times call any activity that intimidates a prisoner "torture." That's a rather broad definition and if true Base10 can think of many times at work when he was "tortured." Will the Red Cross write a letter for him? Yet the media continues to bandy the torture word around like US forces are little different than Dr. Mengele. When I think of torture, I think of the infliction of physical pain. So far, I have not seen pictures depicting anything like this, although I have read about some incidents and these should be punished to the fullest extent of military law. The revealed stories so far revolve around humiliation, the inducement of fear, and legitimate but distasteful techniques like sleep deprivation. I'm not suggesting that some of these things didn't go too far, but let's remember who these people are: vicious killers. I don't think torture should be used against any prisoner (with the possible exception of the use of physical force against a prisoner with knowledge of an imminent attack against civilians). As far as conduct that amounts to less than physical force, although the civilian population may find it distasteful, I trust the military justice system to sort out what laws were violated. One result predicted by Base10 is the banning of digital cameras from all prisoner facilities.
(4) There is not too much going on in the NYPD world. Things of note are obviously the Republican National Convention, the coming to New York of the 9/11 Commission and a few recent legal cases. Frankly, nothing earth shattering other than the daily heroics of our boys (and girls) in blue.
Base10 promises best efforts to add links and to post more frequently and wishes all a happy Mother's Day!