Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Spring is Here? Maybe!
You know, after a bitter winter and a spring that felt like it just wasn't starting, the Mets played their first game last night. Now I know the Yanks have assembled their own All-Star team and are likely to make a serious run at the championship, and I know the Mets are in rebuilding mode and probably not going anywhere. But still, a leadoff homer by our Matsui on his first pitch--against the Brave no less. There's magic in that. Tonight I left work and when I got home it was still light out. Not much mind you, but it's nice to have a little sun after work. And as I write this, the Mets are winning 5-0 against those self same Braves. Spring has started and life is good.
UPDATE: Unsurprisingly, it's now 14-6, and the Braves are winning after a disasterous 4th inning. Counting last night's game, the Mets have delivered 12 innings of joy, so far. Well, you can't win them all. Mrs. Base10 insists that it's not over until it's over, so perhaps we'll watch til the end.