Tuesday, March 16, 2004
How is it Undemocratic?
In this recent NYT article, Bloomberg Wins on School Tests After Firing Foes, the mayor's opponents have called him undemocratic and described these events as more similar to Watergate or a military dictatorship than the democratic political process. People should remember recent history. The Education Advisory Board replaced the completely ineffectual and union captured Board of Education which was not directly answerable to the public for educational achievement in NYC's public schools. That Board of Ed. instead became a public advisory body where eight of thirteen members were appointed by the mayor and five by the borough presidents. The mayor's intention was to eliminate social promotion in public schools starting with third graders. Three of the Mayor's appointees where either going to vote against the proposal or vote to shelve it for a month (effectively delaying the vote to the following school year). The mayor and the SI Borough President replaced three members on the eve of the vote and the Mayor's proposal was enacted. Remember, the Mayor is the one with ultimate policy making authority. The comments that absolutely gall me describe the mayor's taking charge and forcing a policy change to make the schools better as mere political thuggery. Hey HE was the one that was elected, not the political sycophants that normally belong to these public bodies. Mayor Bloomberg's exercise of his executive powers to effectuate a policy on behalf of the people who elected him is the most democratic exercise of power there can possibly be!
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