Friday, November 10, 2006
Today's Agenda
Base10 would like to take a little breather today, but it's off to class once again. Actually, today's class is finance and Base10 is on the receiving end.
No rest for the weary, alas. Base10 still has to do a bunch of stuff for his internet class today and grade their midterms over the weekend. But at least midterms are over!
Base10 is contemplating a meal for Mrs. Base10 tomorrow: a little reggiano from Ivarone's, a little meat from Ottomanelli's, and a little wine from the liquor store! Base10 will advise.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Base10 Procrastinating
Base10 is busy writing his economic history midterm, but frankly, his heart isn't in it. With only 20% done, the last thing he should be doing is blogging right now. Everybody loves to write about the enclosure movement, eh?
I know, I know. I should comment on the elections, but frankly, I'm just too busy. It certainly will make the next two years quite interesting. And hey, if Rumsfeld is going to resign, couldn't you have done this a couple of months ago when it might have helped? Perhaps more on this tomorrow. But I do agree with this sentiment: It's a defeat for Republicans not conservatives.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Base10 Does the Nasty
Mr. and Mrs. got up this morning and did the nasty--we voted! The poll experience this year was not what it was in years past, but hey, that's what it's like when your a red state guy living in the bluest of blue cities. Anyway, Base10 went Republican down the line as if it matters. Maybe it does to a certain extent. It sends a message to politicians that there are conservative voters out there and serves to curb their most liberal ambitions.
And in New York politics, it's really like having to buy the cheap towels that are on sale rather than the good-quality linen ones. Eliot Spitzer is that worse kind of political prosecutor all but annointed to rise to the governorship. His opponent, John Faso, is actually a nice guy that got screwed over by the state Republicans back when Pataki was running against Mario Cuomo. The Times even wrote a nice piece about him--after he had no chance of winning, of course.
The Attorney General spot is even worse. We have little Andrew Cuomo versus Jeanine Pirro--a Republican politician whom I loath. I was forced to vote for the Libertarian candidate and I don't even know his name.
Aside from the foregone conclusion of the Hillary Clinton-John Spencer Senate race (real horserace that one), there was also the obligatory slate of Supreme Court judges. Low interest.
Really the only interesting race in the Empire State is Hevesi vs. Calaghan. Alan Hevesi--the Bernard Kerik of NY politics--demonstrated a complete lack of ethics that is so typical in the Democratic machine that runs much of NYS and is likely to be removed from office for using something like a quarter million dollars of government resources to ferry his wife about the country. Refusing to drop out of the race, he faces Bob Calaghan, the only Republican now with a shot at state-wide office. Interestingly, Andrew Cuomo is still endorsing Hevesi! Why can't I vote for someone in another state? This makes New Jersey politics look downright clean.
Anyway, Base10 will stay up into the wee hours to watch the results. Politics is like a good Monday Night Football game, after all.
Will the Republicans keep control of Congress? Will Democrats take the House? Who knows? But it should be intersting.
Monday, November 06, 2006
What Are They Going to Do, Jump Up and Down at the Same Time?
"China weighs threat of 60 million obese citizens" - Reuters.